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MKT 164 Request Estimate KPI's

Request Estimate KPI’s

Things to know before you start.

At the end of the month you will need to do follow up KPI's on request estimates for not only the current month, but the previous month as well.

This information is used to determine:

  • conversion rates per store
  • amount of time it takes for a lead to turn into a sale.


  1. From the previous systemology (Digital Leads to Opportunities) you will be completing the information on each tab (for each individual store), you should already have the date, the sales person, the product, and the customer name.

  • Salt Lake
  • Sunset
  • Vancouver
  • Heber


2. The next set of information comes directly from the customer card on each lead.  The easiest way to access the correct information is to go to the sales menu at the top and click on the “Opportunities” link on the left hand side.

3. Set the following filters to find the opportunities on your current KPI sheet:

Create date is after or equal to = “The start date of the month you are working on”

Create date is before or equal to = “The end date of the month you are working on”.

Sort by “Sales Team”
This will give you all of the leads from the month selected. NOTE: Some of these leads will come from sales staff and managers that are self created and do not come from website leads, this is why you document them at the time that they come in

The fields you will be updating in (during the month the lead was created) are:

  1. Calls made
  2. Quote created (SO number)
  3. Dollar value
  4. Follow up
  5. Actual Sales Value

Quote Value

(original quote)

Total Sales

(from the invoices)

% rate

Label of Sales product or project

Quote Value


Total Sales from Leads

6. Along with the information that we collect next month, we can determine the average time it takes to convert a lead to a sale. Also, when documented we can determine the number of calls it takes to convert a lead to a sale. The average should be a minimum of 3 follow-up reminders.

7. At the end of the month that follows the month of the lead (example, lead is in January, you do a follow up at the end of January, and again at the end of February). This is done by following steps one through six.

8. On the marketing worksheet for your current year, locate the tab for the current month and open. Scroll down to the leads section and fill in the following information.

#1 - The tabs along the bottom are labeled with the months (find the one you are working on.

#2 - the total value of all the leads per store

#3 - total of sales converted from leads per store

#4 - total value of leads from promotions per store

#5 - total value of sales converted from leads, from promotions per store

Make sure these figures are available to the marketing manager and the store managers.

MKT 164 Analytics - Analytics KPI's Request Estimates
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Responsible: Christy L Smith

1. How often are Request Estimate KPI's updated