You've always wanted to install a water feature in your garden. You are also conscientious about drought conditions and want to reduce the amount of water you use to maintain your garden space. The answer is stone, and an eco-friendly water recycling water feature system. American Stone has all the stone you need, as well as the fun accessories, the tools, and the investment protection products to get your complete water feature project off on the right foot!
It starts with your water feature vision. Maybe you have the entire pond, waterfall, or bubbler drawn out in detail … or maybe you’re looking for a little advice. Or, maybe you’re looking for every bit of advice for your stone and water feature system! Our stone experts know their stuff, and everything there is to know about designing a beautiful eco-friendly water feature for your garden. They can help you get your vision to where you want it to be, no matter where it currently stands.
You'll need a variety of stone for your waterfall or pond. There isn't a wrong way to design and adorn your water feature. If you are installing a bubbler, you'll need to select a boulder, monolith, or column and get a vertical hole drilled through it. You'll also want some sort of decorative stone at the base of your bubbler. Choose something that will allow the water to easily and freely trickle below the surface to the recirculation pump system. No matter the water feature, select stone varieties that cater to your taste. Consult with the stone experts at American Stone to find the best mix of stone products for your project. Our experts will set you up with the right ground covers, steps, flagstones, decorative stone, accent pieces, and centerpieces to make your water feature everything you want it to be.
You'll need to have the right pump for the volume and distance the water must travel. The wider the hose/shaft and longer the distance, the more power you'll need to pump the water sufficiently through.
You'll also need the right tools for preparing and installing your pond, waterfall or bubbler. You can pick up tools, pond liners, water basins, edging and weed barrier when you are picking out your stone and Aquascape water feature supplies and accessories at our retail locations.
Choose your water feature location, then dig out and shape the layout. Install the necessary pond liner or basin (as your feature requires), your recirculating water pump, and all your hose. Next, lay out your pattern of ground cover, then selectively place your decorative and larger stone pieces within your base design to add focus, interest, color and variety to your water feature. The possibilities of what your pond, waterfall or bubbler can become are virtually unlimited.
If you're concerned about drought conditions, rest easy knowing that your Aquascape recirculating water feature system is eco-friendly, only using the water you have filled your basin with. Our experts can help you design a beautiful water feature. Your imagination is your limitation!
At American Stone, we exist to make the world more beautiful. We provide a full range of stone styles, textures, and colors to perfectly adorn your outdoor water feature system. Choose from a variety of stone to update the current style of your home, or to help you make an aesthetic change. Whether you’re looking to establish a theme, or create a focal point in your yard, we can help make it happen. We’re all spending more time now at home than ever before. Call us for a free consultation with one of our Stone Representatives to see how we can help you build it beautiful.
Your Complete Water Feature Project