Benefits of Manufactured Stone
by ProVia
Manufactured Stone Products
American Stone supplies beautiful manufactured stone products for Architects, Designers, Masons, Contractors, Retailers, and Home Owners!
When it comes to a home or commercial project, details are vital to the final outcome. Every stone mason, designer and architect searches for the best materials to achieve just the right look. Professionals rely on their suppliers, trusting their abilities to provide the right materials needed for each project. Professionals need to know that they can count on consistency. American Stone has spent more than 70 years building a reputation of providing high quality natural stone products. We pride ourselves on consistency with direct access to stone quarries all over the U.S. One of the best manufactured stone products used by professionals is stone veneer by ProVia®. American Stone is your premier supplier for ProVia® manufactured stone products.
There are many benefits to choosing manufactured stone veneer by ProVia®. Here we will focus on 5 benefits, but first let’s examine what exactly manufactured stone veneer is:
To put it simply, manufactured stone is a concrete composite mixed with colors and shaped in molds to look like natural stone. ProVia’s manufactured stone usually weighs less than its natural stone counterpart, making it both cheaper and easier to install.
Manufactured stone by ProVia® is an excellent alternative to natural stone for any interior or exterior project, particularly if you’re on a thinner budget.
ProVia® manufactured stone veneer is impressively versatile. Apply it on interior or exterior surfaces. Add elegance to the face of your home or commercial space. Manufactured stone veneer by ProVia® provides an immediate transformation to your structure and improves that curb appeal.
One of the fastest and easiest upgrade options you can choose for your home or commercial space is with manufactured stone veneer by ProVia®. The aesthetic addition of manufactured stone veneer is hard to beat, and upgrading your asset is fast and easy with ProVia® products. It will instantly transform the appeal of your home or commercial space.
Manufactured stone is a composite mix of ingredients added with oxides for color and shaped in molds to look just like genuine natural stone.
ProVia offers an unmatched limited lifetime warranty!
Manufactured stone veneer by ProVia® almost guarantees an instant value increase to your asset. Most home upgrades provide a return on investment of one kind or another, however there are not many that can match the value of manufactured stone veneer by ProVia®. Did you know that manufactured stone veneer has a return investment as much as 90%? That means for every dollar you invest in your manufactured stone veneer project, you can expect as much as 90¢ back in increased home value. Only a natural stone product home upgrade gives back more!
When consistency of color is vital to your stone project, manufactured stone veneer will always deliver. ProVia® manufactured stone is available in many color palettes to match any design need. ProVia® manufactured stone is engineered to provide a cohesive, pleasing profile across all types of wall patterns. You are guaranteed consistency of profile throughout the entire project!
While natural stone can chip or crumble along natural fracture lines, ProVia® manufactured stone products are very strong and durable. ProVia backs its manufactured stone products with an industry exclusive lifetime limited warranty! They are so confident in its durability that pieces will be replaced at full value, rather than a pro-rated value, for the original homeowner. On top of that, the next person to own the home enjoys a 50-year limited warranty! What other manufactured stone producer will back their product like that? ProVia® manufactured stone veneer outperforms them all.
At American Stone, we exist to make the world more beautiful. We provide a full range of styles, textures and colors to perfectly match your home or commercial project. Whether you are going for a new build, a total renovation, a makeover, or a simple aesthetic change, we have the manufactured stone products for you.
American Stone is your source for beautiful manufactured stone by ProVia®. No matter what your project is, we can help you make it happen. Call us and talk with one of our Stone Representatives to see how we can help you build it beautiful.
Benefits of Manufactured Stone Veneer