Emp 100: Orientatción "Día 1"
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Emp 200: Seguridad Básica
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Test y Qué es lo siguiente
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Emp 205: Informes de Responsabilidad, Incidentes y Daños a Propiedades de Clientes
Puedes ver la versión en español de esta página en la parte inferior.
We have signs in our yard that state American Stone is not responsible for damage to customer vehicles. (Make sure these signs are visible in the yard). Review the signs with your customers and give them a pre-warning BEFORE you load. For example, if your customer has a new vehicle that you can be sure will get dings from gravel, be absolutely sure to make the customer aware they're loading at their own risk.
It is our mission to provide great service and a safe environment for our customers. However, sometimes things go wrong, problems arise and customers may be left with a feeling of disappointment. Examples of things that can go wrong are as follows:
- The rock fell out of the loader bucket in an unusual way and dented the side of the vehicle.
- The loader bucket overflowed the side of the pickup and the gravel pitted the outside of the bed.
- The pallet was too heavy for the trailer and the trailer broke in half.
- The delivery truck dumped the product in the wrong place.
- The forklift bumped the tailgate and made a mark or actually made a pretty significant dent.
- The delivery truck dumped a load of boulders on a driveway and broke it.
Below is a list of steps to take when these accidents happen:
- Identify the problem with the customer.
- Apologize to the customer that their experience was less than perfect, or perhaps bad.
- Ask the customer what you can do to make it better, explaining that we want them happy with their purchase and want their return business.
(A lot of times the customer is happy with a lot less than we were about to offer). So remember, you don’t always need to "give away the farm" to keep a customer!
a. Go to your manager with a possible solution and get approval. That always makes the customer feel good that you are going above and beyond the ordinary just for them.
b. It's the manager's role to solve issue if possible. They could opt to give the customer a free delivery, discount, and offer a free boulder or something like that.
If the manager and sales staff cannot come up with a satisfactory solution with the customer, then it’s time to involve upper management oe owners, that is, Roger, Dan, Lon or Bev, in this order.
Some (not all) accidents can be avoided by taking the proper precautions. Below are the steps to take to avoid mishaps:
- Before loading vehicles remind customers that rocks can cause damage and that we are not responsible. Perhaps they would like a delivery. You will find that most are okay with the gravel pitting the beds and boulders make a mark.
- Be sure to get a spotter if the bucket is longer than the bed. Or use carpet to cover the sides of the bed.
- Explain that a boulder in the back of an SUV can roll and take out a window. When people are informed that these things can happen they will rethink whether it’s worth a delivery or at least make them aware they are loading at their own risk.
When there is an accident, you'll complete an incident report. You will find this form at the link here.
—en español—
En este módulo aprenderás a reconocer señales de posibles robos en tiendas y aplicar estrategias efectivas para prevenirlos.
Señales de posibles ladrones
1. Clientes fuera del perfil habitual: Ejemplo. Un grupo de adolescentes en una tienda dirigida a profesionales adultos.
2. Uso de bolsas grandes: Mochilas, bolsas reutilizables o carteras grandes son frecuentemente utilizadas para esconder productos.
3. Movimientos rápidos: Los ladrones suelen actuar rápido, sin navegar o explorar mucho.
4. Evitar contacto visual: Prefieren observar al personal para evitar ser detectados.
5. Grupos que distraen: Un miembro del grupo distrae al personal mientras otro comete el robo.
6. Ropa voluminosa o fuera de temporada: Abrigos en verano o ropa que permita ocultar objetos.
7. Refugio en probadores o esquinas: Aprovechan espacios menos visibles para ocultar productos en bolsas o ropa.
8. Movimiento sospechoso: Pasos cortos o extraños pueden indicar que esconden algo bajo la ropa.
Comportamientos a observar
- Devoluciones sospechosas:
- Personas que devuelven productos en grandes cantidades, especialmente tallas pequeñas.
- Ofrecer crédito en tienda en lugar de efectivo puede reducir el fraude en devoluciones.
- Aprovechan horas pico:
- Durante horarios concurridos, como Black Friday, los ladrones se benefician del caos.
- Uso de accesorios inusuales:
- Cochecitos, bolsas de bebé, paraguas, paquetes voluminosos o incluso soportes para el brazo pueden usarse para ocultar mercancía.
Estrategias para prevenir robos
1. Saluda a los clientes: Usar la regla de los tres metros. Saludar y reconocer a los clientes cercanos para hacerles saber que están siendo observados.
2. Estar atento a señales inusuales: Clientes que pasan mucho tiempo en áreas cercanas a las salidas o puertas.
3. Monitoreo regular: Realiza patrullajes por la tienda y mantén contacto visual con clientes sospechosos para disuadirlos.
4. Capacitación del personal: Entrena a los empleados para reconocer comportamientos y patrones sospechosos.
5. Uso de tecnología y seguridad: Incorporar cámaras, espejos y llamadas de seguridad por el sistema de audio para generar un efecto disuasorio.
Lo que debes recordar
- No confrontes directamente:
- Si sospechas de un ladrón, informa al gerente o al equipo de seguridad.
- Prevención es clave:
- Detectar comportamientos sospechosos a tiempo puede evitar pérdidas importantes.
- Protege a tu equipo y tienda:
- Crear conciencia entre los empleados y fomentar el trabajo en equipo es fundamental para mantener un entorno seguro.
El conocimiento es la mejor herramienta contra los robos en tienda. ¡Mantente alerta y aplica estos consejos para proteger tu negocio!
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Responsible: Cynthia VanBibber